Boston Linux & UNIX was originally founded in 1994 as part of The Boston Computer Society. We meet on the third Wednesday of each month, online, via Jitsi Meet.

Community Outreach Planning

Date and Time

Wednesday, February 12, 2014 from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm


Akamai CRC
The Akamai office is a short walk from the Kendall Square T stop and other public transportation. Metered parking is normally available near the location.


Community Outreach Planning


Do you want to use your free software skills and passion to help under-served communities in the Boston area?

Last month, we brainstormed organizations to work with and how to help. Join us this month as we start converting some of those brainstorms into concrete actions.

Everyone is welcome! We need help with community outreach, creating workshops, organization, video/audio recording/editing, graphics and teaching.

Note: In March, we'll return to more topic-based meetups.

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